Embed content into WordPress Easily

WordPress Embed Sites

There is nothing more important than adding great content to your website/blog. Adding content from sites like YouTube or Twitter is a great way to add something extra to your own content. Although WordPress has always made it pretty easy to add content from YouTube to your site, they’ve now made it ridiculously easy to embed video, images, audio, and other types of content from third party sites like YouTube, SoundCloud, Instagram, Twitter, even Will Ferrel’s Funny or Die.

In the past, you needed to fiddle with the embed code those sites generated or you could use a plugin to make it easier, but now, all you need is to copy and paste the link to the content right into your WordPress post or page.

In the video below (which I added to this post by simply copying the YouTube URL link from that video), I’ll show you how easy it’s to add great content to your WordPress site.

The video above from YouTube is the perfect example. Here are more examples of this in action. I simply copied the URL link and pasted them below to embed this content from:

WordPress Embeds Examples

SoundCloud (audio example)

Photobucket (image example)



Twitter (tweet example)

Funny or Die (funny clip from Will Ferrell)


You can see the full list of the sites you can embed content from and learn more about embedding this way from the WordPress Embeds page. Just about all the big players in social media are on there. The only one that is curiously missing is the big daddy of Social Media, Facebook. Not sure why, but with sites like Twitter, Photobucket, YouTube, Instagram, Vine, Meetup, SoundCloud, and others you have plenty of options to embed content to your site.

I'm a full-time Internet marketer and infopreneur and an aspiring fiction writer. Blogging about my fiction writing at Fictive Universe.

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