This is part of my #amquerying How to Query Agents video series as I prepare to query agents for my crime thriller I’ve been building up a decent list of agents to query.
In this post and video, I’ll show you one of the ways I’ve used to build my query list to 145 agents.
This method is to find and target agents that have a proven track record with my dream publisher. In order to do that, I use Amazon to research the publisher, find authors published by that publisher, then use Publisher’s Marketplace to see who represents that author.
It’s slow and it can get tedious (I went fifteen pages deep on Amazon), but it’s worthwhile. I walk you through the process in this video:
The Three Tools
As seen in the video above, I use three tools research agents: Amazon (in order to search for books published by my dream publisher), Publisher’s Marketplace (to search who represents the author I’m researching), and Query Tracker to keep track of it all.

An added tool I find useful is the Amazon Book Research Chrome Extension.
A nifty free extension that puts the product details like the book’s publisher on top of the page so I don’t have to scroll down the Amazon book page to find it.
Am Querying
I’ll start sending out query letters to those 145 agents in August. My manuscript has gone through a line and copy edit, and it’s now being proofread. Then it’s time to send out the query letters, so stay tuned for those updates. Subscribe to my newsletter below to keep track of this query process and for practical tips and insights for fiction writers. I only email once or twice per month. Opt-out at any time.