Customized Amazon Gift Cards

Customized Amazon Gift Cards

Customized Amazon Gift Cards are a great way to send out gift cards to winners of your author giveaways or to send out review copies.

Note: Although this a whole different subject matter, I want to mention, that I don’t recommend sending out an Amazon Gift Card to possible reviewers since there is no guarantee that they will use that gift card to buy your book. They can use it to buy anything they want but your book!but for giveaway prizes, Amazon Gift Cards are effective incentives to offer people to participate in your giveaway.

But Amazon Gift Cards are great for giveaway prizes. Gift cards are an effective incentive to offer people to participate in your giveaway (you need to sweeten the pot if you’re asking them to join your mailing list). It doesn’t matter if it’s $5 or $500, folks appreciate gift cards and will be thrilled to win one.

Once I’m ready to send out the Amazon Gift Cards, I add my own custom image to gift cards in order to promote my author brand.

Amazon makes it very simple to generate customized Amazon Gift Cards.

Customized Amazon Gift Cards

It’s very simple. Click on “Your Photo”… browse to your image on your computer… select it… and that’s it, your customized Amazon Gift Card is ready:

Customized Amazon Gift Cards
Customized Amazon Gift Cards

This is a great and simple way to promote your own brand when sending out Amazon Gift Cards to people.

I use to easily create the creatives to be used. Dimension: 466x308px (my guestimate).

You can also use Fiverr to have someone create the image for you (just make sure you provide them with your images — like your book covers).

The key here is to use your own author branding on those gift cards you’ll be sending out.

Video: How to Add Your Image to Amazon Gift Cards

I'm a full-time Internet marketer and infopreneur and an aspiring fiction writer. Blogging about my fiction writing at Fictive Universe.

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