Category: On Writing
Hitting That Brick Wall
I’m nearing the halfway point of my new book, “She’s Gone”. More details about my new book soon. In this post I want to talk…
John Grisham Interview
Charlie Rose is my favotire interviewer. Here is a great interview with best selling author, John Grisham. He provides fantastic advice for writers thoughout the interview.
YouTube Research for Fiction Writers
If you can’t physically visit a place you’re writing about, head on over to YouTube. My WIP takes place in Honduras since it’s not feasible…
How To Slash Your Story’s Word Count Without Losing Substance
When grade school teachers explain the difference between poetry and prose, all too often, they give the impression that economy with words is only critical…
Fighting Writer’s Block
Writer’s block can be a real bear. Just ask “Jack” from “The Shining“. 🙂 [youtube][/youtube] There is nothing worse. If writer’s block has got you…
Freedom Application Video Review
Freedom is a sweet application for the easily distracted writer! Here is my video review of Mac Freedom (no worries, there is also a Windows…
Rod Serling on Writing
I found this great clip on YouTube of an old interview with Rod Serling of The Twilight Zone fame. I love what he said at…