Author: Alan Petersen
Text Expander Review
I just ordered a cool new tool called Text Expander and I’m loving it, so I created a quick video of it in action (see…
Facebook Advertising Banner Size
As I’m learning more about Facebook advertising for fiction authors I’ll share what I discover under the new tag: Facebook Advertising Tips for Authors. What…
IndieReCon 2014
There is a great online conference for indie authors coming up soon. It’s called IndieReCon, it’s free, and it looks fantastic. The speakers are a…
Systematic Podcast Interviews Keith Blount
Cool interview about my favorite writing app Scrivener. Brett Terpstra host of the Systematic podcast on the 5by5 Network interviewed Scrivener developer Keith Blount. The…
Rafflecopter Comes to Life at Midnight
Since I’m using the free version of Rafflecopter, I can’t control the start time. Regardless of the date chosen the giveaway starts and ends at…
Audiobook First Month
I’ve been chronicling the process of turning my book, The Asset, into an audiobook during my ACX Audiobook Case Study. The Asset audiobook has been…
How to Setup a Giveaway with Rafflecopter
I’m setting up an audiobook giveaway using Rafflecopter. I teamed with four other thriller authors for the giveaway which runs from January 22-26th. In the…
Happy New Year
Lee Child Advice for Writers: Ignore All Advice
Best selling author Lee Child of Jack Reacher fame, offers his advice for writers in the video. Widgets