As indie authors, we’re always in need of royalty free images for book covers and more. We need affordable quality royalty free images for our book covers, Facebook Ads, website graphics, email newsletter, and more.
We often face challenges when it comes to finding the perfect images. The use of copyrighted images can lead to legal issues, but thankfully, there are royalty-free images that indie authors can use. Here are a few reasons why indie authors should use royalty-free images.
First and foremost, using royalty-free images protects indie authors from copyright infringement. Copyright laws can be complex and confusing, and even unintentionally using copyrighted images can lead to legal issues. By using royalty-free images, indie authors can avoid any potential legal trouble.
Additionally, royalty-free images are often more cost-effective for indie authors. Purchasing images from stock photo websites can be expensive, especially for indie authors who may be on a tight budget. Royalty-free images are typically much cheaper and can be a great alternative for indie authors looking to save money.
Using royalty-free images also allows indie authors to have more control over their book cover designs. When using copyrighted images, indie authors may be limited in how they can use and manipulate the images. With royalty-free images, indie authors have more flexibility to create the perfect book cover design for their work.
Lastly, using royalty-free images can be a great way for indie authors to support other artists. Many royalty-free image websites are created and maintained by artists who want to share their work with others. By using royalty-free images, indie authors can help support these artists and potentially discover new artists to collaborate with in the future.
In conclusion, indie authors should consider using royalty-free images for their book cover designs. Not only does it protect them from legal issues, but it can also be more cost-effective and offer more creative control. Plus, it’s a great way to support other artists in the community.
Where to Find Royalty Free Images?
I use Depositphotos. They have 195+ million premium images on their website and thanks to a fantastic deal via AppSumo, you can purchase blocks of 100 images for just $39! These credits never expire on Depositphoto, so there is no worry or rush. Get your royalty free images and use them as needed. You can also get multiple packs of 100, so if you want 300 images, pay $117 and you can get even more than that! Just pay $39 per pack of 100 royalty free images from Depositphoto and you’ll be set for life.
In this video, I’ll show you the deal and walk you through how to order since I just bought a 100-image pack to add to my account. This is a limited time deal via AppSumo, so don’t lollygag if you’re looking for quality royalty free stock images. Get this amazing deal now.